Benjamin Roth is a professor in the area of deep learning & statistical NLP,
leading the WWTF Vienna Research Group for Young Investigators "Knowledge-Infused Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing".
Prior to this, he was an interim professor at LMU Munich. He obtained his PhD from Saarland University and did a postdoc at UMass, Amherst.
His research interests are the extraction of knowledge from text with statistical methods and knowledge-supervised learning.
May 7, 2021: ICLR 2021 Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning, WeaSuL
April, 2021: PhD position in machine learning for natural language processing (call for applications, deadline: May 5, 2021)
April, 2021: Check out Knodle, a framework for weakly supervised deep learning: (on github)
April 27, 2021: Invited talk on Weakly supervised machine learning for text analysis at the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology
January 19, 2021: Invited talk on Automating linguistic tests using pre-trained language models at the Wiener Sprachgesellschaft
November 2020: I am looking for a PhD student in deep learning for natural language processing at the University of Vienna. (filled)
June 2020: I am very happy to announce that I have accepted a professorship offer at the University of Vienna, starting this fall! Information about PhD and PostDoc positions will follow soon.
September 9, 2019: Invited talk at the Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute (Mila) on Interpretable Question Answering